domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009

29 de Novembro de 2009

"I'm worried I'll forget your face..." Artic Monkeys

28 de Novembro de 2009

"Le monde marche! Pourquoi ne tournerait-il pas?" Arthur Rimbaud

27 de Novembro de 2009

"Eu gostaria de viver como um pobre, mas com muito dinheiro." Pablo Picasso

26 de Novembro de 2009

"Eu não evoluo, sou." Pablo Picasso

25 de Novembro de 2009

"É talvez o último dia da minha vida. / Saudei o sol, levantando a mão direita, / Mas não o saudei, dizendo-lhe adeus. /Fiz sinal de gostar de o ver ainda, mais nada." Alberto Caeiro

sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

24 de Novembro de 2009

"However, in regard to all this, one has to wait for the appearance of individuals who, despite outward gifts, do not choose the broad way but rather the pain, the distress, and the anxiety in which they religiously call to mind what meanwhile they lose, as it were, namely, what is too sedutive to possess. Shuch a struggle is indubitably very exhausting, because there will come moments when they almost regret having begun it and recall with melancholy, at times possibly unto despair the smilling life that would have opened before them had they pursued the immediate inclination of their talent. Nevertheless, in the extreme terror of distress, when it is though all were lost because the way along which he would advance is impassable, and the smilling way of talent is cut off from him by his own act, the person who is aware will indubitably hear a voice saying: Well done, my son! Just keep on, for he who loses all, gains all." Sören Kierkegaard

terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009

23 de Novembro de 2009

"Linda- I don't believe that you're a coward! Lenny - Only in actuality..." Woody Allen

22 de Novembro de 2009

"I'm all over it now, 'cos I worked and I cursed and I cried, and I said I could change and I lied..." Jamie Cullum

21 de Novembro de 2009

"It was just one of those things..." Jamie Cullum (Mais um dos casos em que não cito o autor...)

20 de Novembro de 2009

"Aquiles only had one aquiles heel, I have a hole aquiles body..." Woody Allen (Mighty Aphrodite)

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2009

19 de Novembro de 2009

"Hobbes: Vê-se bem que é um duplicado teu. Calvin: Que queres dizer? Este tipo é um atrasado mental!"

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

18 de Novembro de 2009

"No paraíso eu vou ouvir!" Ludwing van Beethoven

17 de Novembro de 2009

"Young man, you who still stand at the beginning of your goal, if you have gone astray, turn back to God, and from his upbringing you will take along with you a youthfulness strengthened for manly tasks. You will never know the suffering of one who, having wasted the courage and energy of youth in insubordination against him, must begin to retreat, weak and exhausted, through devasted countries and ravaged provinces, everywhere surrounded by abomination of desolation, by burned-out cities and toppled sucess - a retreat as slow as a bad year, as long as eternity, monotonously broken by the daily repeated sigh : These days - I find no satisfaction in them." Sören Kierkegaard

16 de Novembro de 2009

"As I mentioned, it is frightful to think for a single moment of the kind of life I have led in my most hidden inwardness, literally never a word about it spoken to a single human being, of course, not even daring to write down the least thing about it - and then I have been able to encase that life in an exterior existence of zest for life and cheerfulness..." Sören Kierkegaard

15 de Novembro de 2009

"If I had had faith, I would have stayed with Regine. Thanks to God I now see that. I have been on the point of losing my mind these days. Humanly speaking, I was fair to her; perhaps I should never have become engaged, but from that moment I treated her honestly... If I had not honored her higher than myself as my future wife, if I had not been prouder of her honor than of my own, then I would have married her - there are so many marriages which conceal little stories. That I did not want, then she would become my concubine; I would rather have murdered her. - But if I were to explain myself, I would have had to iniate her into terrible things, my relationship to my father, his melancholy, the eternal night brooding within me, my going astray, my lusts and debauchery, which, however, in the eyes of God are perhaps not so glaring; for it was, after all, anxiety that made me go astray, and where was I to seek a safe stronghold when I knew or suspected that the only man I had admired for this strenght was tottering." Sören Kierkegaard

14 de Novembro de 2009

"(What if you actually met God?) I'd probably take him fishing..." Denny Crane (Boston Legal)

13 de Novembro de 2009

"Nunca durmo." Herberto Helder

12 de Novembro de 2009

"Couldn't I come and just watch?" Alan Shore (Boston Legal)

11 de Novembro de 2009

"Se amas terra, és terra." Santo Agostinho

sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009

10 de Novembro de 2009

"I thought you said our love would last for ever, believing that the tears would end for good. I told you that we'd get through any weather... Baby, that didn't work out, but we did the best we could." Jamie Cullum

9 de Novembro de 2009

"But I still haven't found what I'm looking for." U2

8 de Novembro de 2009

"Feliz o homem a quem o Senhor não tem em conta o pecado! Salmos 32, 2

terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009

7 de Novembro de 2009

"There's an old joke... two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of 'em says, 'Boy, the food at this place is really terrible.' The other says, 'Yeah, I know, and such small portions.' Well, that's essentially how I feel about life - full of loneliness, and misery, and suffering, and unhappiness - and it's all over much too quickly." Woody Allen

6 de Novembro de 2009

"To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love. But, then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love, to be happy, then, is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy, therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer, or suffer from too much happiness - I hope you're getting this down." Woody Allen

5 de Novembro de 2009

"Eu acredito que todos nós temos a nossa cinderela, mas esta cinderela tem a forma de S. Sebastião." Nuno Ferro

quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2009

4 de Novembro de 2009

"Children are all foreigners." Ralph Waldo Emerson

3 de Novembro de 2009

"Love ain't the answer, nor is work. The truth eludes me so much it hurts..." Jamie Cullum

2 de Novembro de 2009

"Tax your brain, tear off every wrapping and lay bear the viscera of feeling in your breast, demolish every fortification that separates you from the one whom you are reading, and then read Shakespeare - you will shudder at the collisions." Sören Kierkegaard

1 de Novembro de 2009

"Oh!, my friend, what is it you have attempted in life?" Sören Kierkegaard

31 de Outubro de 2009

"Nesses dias, os homens procurarão a morte, mas não a encontrarão, desejarão morrer, mas a morte fugirá deles." Apócalipse 9,6